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Hands installing WeatherTech Scratch Protection on trunk ledge image number null
Representative Image
Close up of open car door against a brick wall with WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on the edge to prevent scratches image number null
Representative Image
Close up of car door handle showing one side with WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed and no damage, and the other side without WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed and has visible scratches on the door cup. image number null
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Close up of vehicle door sill with a man wearing construction boots stepping out of the vehicle and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed to prevent scratches. image number null
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Trunk of black sedan with WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on trunk ledge image number null
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Cargo area of black S U V with WeatherTech Cargo Liner and Pet Barrier installed and a dog getting ready to jump out of the back with WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed to prevent scratches image number null
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Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a cooler into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
Representative Image
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a red duffel bag into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
Representative Image
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a suitcase into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
Representative Image
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a crate of firewood into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
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X-Ray image of S U V showing the locations of protection provided by WeatherTech Scratch Protection: door handle cups, door sills, door edges and cargo area ledge. image number null
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WeatherTech Scratch Protection being installed on door cup image number null
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 image number 0
Hands installing WeatherTech Scratch Protection on trunk ledge image number null
Close up of open car door against a brick wall with WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on the edge to prevent scratches image number null
Close up of car door handle showing one side with WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed and no damage, and the other side without WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed and has visible scratches on the door cup. image number null
Close up of vehicle door sill with a man wearing construction boots stepping out of the vehicle and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed to prevent scratches. image number null
Trunk of black sedan with WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on trunk ledge image number null
Cargo area of black S U V with WeatherTech Cargo Liner and Pet Barrier installed and a dog getting ready to jump out of the back with WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed to prevent scratches image number null
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a cooler into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a red duffel bag into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a suitcase into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a crate of firewood into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
X-Ray image of S U V showing the locations of protection provided by WeatherTech Scratch Protection: door handle cups, door sills, door edges and cargo area ledge. image number null
WeatherTech Scratch Protection being installed on door cup image number null

2016 Acura MDX ScratchProtection

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ScratchProtection-Acura-MDX-YD3 image number null
Representative Image
ScratchProtection-Acura-MDX-YD3 image number null
Representative Image
Hands installing WeatherTech Scratch Protection on trunk ledge image number null
Representative Image
Close up of open car door against a brick wall with WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on the edge to prevent scratches image number null
Representative Image
Close up of car door handle showing one side with WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed and no damage, and the other side without WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed and has visible scratches on the door cup. image number null
Representative Image
Close up of vehicle door sill with a man wearing construction boots stepping out of the vehicle and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed to prevent scratches. image number null
Representative Image
Trunk of black sedan with WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on trunk ledge image number null
Representative Image
Cargo area of black S U V with WeatherTech Cargo Liner and Pet Barrier installed and a dog getting ready to jump out of the back with WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed to prevent scratches image number null
Representative Image
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a cooler into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
Representative Image
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a red duffel bag into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
Representative Image
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a suitcase into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
Representative Image
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a crate of firewood into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
Representative Image
X-Ray image of S U V showing the locations of protection provided by WeatherTech Scratch Protection: door handle cups, door sills, door edges and cargo area ledge. image number null
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WeatherTech Scratch Protection being installed on door cup image number null
Representative Image
 image number 0
ScratchProtection-Acura-MDX-YD3 image number null
ScratchProtection-Acura-MDX-YD3 image number null
Hands installing WeatherTech Scratch Protection on trunk ledge image number null
Close up of open car door against a brick wall with WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on the edge to prevent scratches image number null
Close up of car door handle showing one side with WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed and no damage, and the other side without WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed and has visible scratches on the door cup. image number null
Close up of vehicle door sill with a man wearing construction boots stepping out of the vehicle and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed to prevent scratches. image number null
Trunk of black sedan with WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on trunk ledge image number null
Cargo area of black S U V with WeatherTech Cargo Liner and Pet Barrier installed and a dog getting ready to jump out of the back with WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed to prevent scratches image number null
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a cooler into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a red duffel bag into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a suitcase into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
Cargo area of blue S U V with a WeatherTech Cargo Liner installed with a woman loading a crate of firewood into the cargo area and WeatherTech Scratch Protection installed on cargo area ledge to prevent scratches image number null
X-Ray image of S U V showing the locations of protection provided by WeatherTech Scratch Protection: door handle cups, door sills, door edges and cargo area ledge. image number null
WeatherTech Scratch Protection being installed on door cup image number null

No vuelva a preocuparse por la pintura de su vehículo con Scratch Protection de WeatherTech. Esta película protectora se aplica de forma transparente, permitiendo que la pintura brille y protegiéndola de los daños causados por la gravilla, los insectos y la suciedad de la carretera.

2016 Acura MDX ScratchProtection

Número de pieza: null

Scratch Protection de WeatherTech es una película prácticamente invisible, que se adapta a la marca y modelo específicos de su vehículo. Además, ¡protege perfectamente la solera, las manijas y los bordes de las puertas, además de los bordes del maletero contra rayones y daños por piedras pequeñas! br>
Scratch Protection se adhiere directamente a la superficie exterior de su vehículo sin dañar la pintura ni el acabado. Cuenta con tecnología de autorrecuperación que ofrece una resistencia insuperable a los rayones, Scratch Protection es lo suficientemente resistente como para soportar todo lo que se presente en la carretera. ¡Las instrucciones incluidas fáciles de seguir lo guiarán en el proceso de instalación en un instante!

Aspectos destacados de Scratch Protection:

  • Protege la solera, las manijas y los bordes de las puertas y los salientes del maletero de posibles daños
  • La película prácticamente invisible resiste el desgaste y la decoloración
  • Disponible para la mayoría de marcas y modelos de vehículos
  • Hecha en EE. UU.

Scratch Protection includes easy-to-follow instructions that will help guide you through the installation process in no time! However, if you’re not 100% comfortable installing Scratch Protection yourself, it can be installed professionally.

What areas of my vehicle will Scratch Protection cover?
Depending on the make and model of your vehicle, Scratch Protection provides coverage to your vehicle's door handle cups, door sill, door edge and when applicable your trunk ledge. 
Am I able to remove Scratch Protection if I need to at a later date?
Yes, Scratch Protection can be removed without damaging the vehicle's finish.
What is included in my vehicle's protection kit?
Depending on the make and model of your vehicle, your Scratch Protection kit will include:
  • 2 to 4 Door Protection Cups
  • 2 to 4 Door Sills
  • 2 to 4 Door Edges
  • 1 Trunk Edge
Es seguro lavar este producto en un lavado de vehículos?
Sí. Cuando está correctamente instalado, puede entrar a un lavado de vehículos con seguridad.
Dónde se fabrica este producto?
Nos enorgullece decir que ha sido creado, diseñado y fabricado en EE. UU. con precisión y cuidado, garantizando una elaboración artesanal de calidad. Creemos firmemente en la creación de oportunidades para las personas en EE. UU. y en el apoyo a nuestra economía doméstica.
Is the product image shown an exact match to my vehicle?
In many cases, yes. But please note that the vehicle shown in imagery may sometimes be marked as “representative.” Not all vehicle photos may match the Year, Make and Model that you have selected from the vehicle selector menu.

Garantía limitada de por vida

WeatherTech Direct, LLC garantiza que todos sus productos estarán libres de todo defecto de materiales y mano de obra durante el ciclo de vida útil para el comprador original y solo para el vehículo original en el que fueron instalados. Lo anterior no significa que un producto que simplemente se desgasta de forma natural debido al uso normal es candidato para un reemplazo o reembolso bajo garantía. Al igual que los neumáticos, las pastillas de frenos o los zapatos que cubren sus pies, todo se desgasta y, cuando lo hace, eso no quiere decir que usted no recibió un producto de un alto valor a cambio de su dinero.

Somos personas razonables y creemos en la verdadera satisfacción del cliente. Trabajaremos con usted para lograr una resolución justa respecto a cualquier problema que pueda llegar a tener. "Justa" se define como justa para usted como cliente y para WeatherTech. No hacemos cobros adicionales por nuestros productos a la gran mayoría de nuestros clientes, de manera que podemos complacer las inusuales reclamaciones de garantía que hacen unos pocos. Nuestra decisión es definitiva y consistirá en el reemplazo de su producto sin cargo, o le cobraremos un importe proporcional por el cambio, lo que significa que podríamos darle un descuento para que compre un reemplazo exacto. Nuestro objetivo es que nuestros clientes estén satisfechos de por vida y que siempre logremos una resolución justa respecto a cualquier problema. Se necesita una prueba de compra.

Las exclusiones de esta garantía incluyen el desgaste debido a condiciones muy abrasivas y a la contaminación química (como por ejemplo, el derrame de gasolina, cloro, etc.), los accidentes de tránsito, el uso indebido, el abuso, la instalación incorrecta, el uso incorrecto, etc.

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